"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
At Austin Avenue Church of Christ, we believe that children are the future of the Church. As such, we strive for a healthy, thriving Children's Ministry. We have many programs for children to learn about and become followers of Christ. The Director of Children's Ministry is Shanna Klutts, and along with Shanna, we are proud that our adult members and youth are active and enthusiastic teachers in the Children's Ministry (it takes a village, after all). At Austin Avenue Church of Christ, we truly believe that "Kids Matter"!
Children's bible classes
We offer age-appropriate Bible classes for children from nursery through 5th grade. Classes are held during Sunday morning Bible Class (9:30 AM) and during Wednesday evening Bible Class (6:30 PM). Our goal is to introduce children to Christ and to foster a life-long desire to learn about and to know Him.
Children's message
At the beginning of every service, Shanna directs a special message to the children of the congregation. The children are encouraged to come to the front for a visual (and usually entertaining), brief, child-directed message that ties to the adult lesson.
children's WORSHIP
During service, the 2's through Pre-K kids are invited to their own special age-directed service. They are encouraged to participate in games and songs to learn about Jesus and his teachings. Children's Worship is on hiatus during the Summer Quarter.
An attended nursery is available for newborns to toddlers 2 years of age during all class times & services. A nursing mother's room is also provided.
412 Ministry
412 is a ministry designed to equip the youth and kids of Austin Avenue Church of Christ for service and ministry by empowering adults to take kids alongside them as they work in the church. It is the idea of "training for tomorrow, today." Based off of 1 Timothy 4:12, our kiddos are encouraged to sign up each quarter and join projects such as yard work, scripture reading, guest gift making, cooking, drama, etc.
Camp Blue Haven
The children and youth (5th-12th grade) have the opportunity to attend Camp Blue Haven, a Bible Camp in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Las Vegas, NM, during the summer. Camp Blue Haven is a wonderful opportunity for children and youth to develop their faith in a fun and active way by participating in campfire services, Chapel, music classes, morning devotionals, Bible classes, cookouts, talent shows, sleep outs, hiking, fishing, sports, archery, handicrafts, air riflery, and ropes courses.
Other Activities
Annual Socktober Drive (October)
Annual Valentines Party (February)
Caroling at local nursing homes (December)
Poinsettia delivery to widows/ers (December)
Vacation Bible School (summer break)
Annual Back-to-School Bash
Annual Valentines Party (February)
Caroling at local nursing homes (December)
Poinsettia delivery to widows/ers (December)
Vacation Bible School (summer break)
Annual Back-to-School Bash